2025 Community Market Event 'Vendors Call'
We are looking for vendors for our summer community market on the Jury Lands property.
Interested in renting a space? Contact us: jurylandsevents@gmail.com

Municipality of Clarington: Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Sept. 2024

Survey Link: for Businesses, Organizations & Group Wanting to Use the Cafeteria Buiding
Please complete this short survey so we can move forward restoring the Cafeteria Building. We need people and groups who can use this building in its rough state within a couple of years. We also want to know your needs as be plan the restoration of the cafeteria building. Survey
Council approves a plan for the development and preservation of Camp 30 area, 20 December 2021
Clarington Council has adopted Official Plan amendment 121 that outlines the future development for lands known as Special Policy Area F, which encompass the historically and culturally significant Camp 30. Alongside the planning amendment, the Municipality has also negotiated an agreement with the landowner transferring the ownership of the historically significant Cafeteria Building, part of the Camp 30 property. The agreement includes future plans for the transfer of ownership of the remaining heritage buildings and large portions of the property that have been identified as environmentally sensitive. The rest of the land will see a combination of low, medium to high-density development based on location as set out in the Official Plan amendment. Camp 30 is the former Boys Training School – a nationally and locally designated heritage resource made up of buildings and the Ring Road which surrounds them. The former campus area will be designated as a future Municipal Wide Park so that the entire community can enjoy the green space. The Camp 30 buildings will eventually be repurposed and refurbished so that the community can walk in the footsteps of history and experience this significant area.
Official Plan Amendment 121 combines the approved vision for the design of the Municipal Park Lands, including planned green space and public recreation amenities with environmental protection and future growth and development for the area creating a well-balanced community.
In 2013, Camp 30 was designated as a National Historic Site. It initially opened in 1925 as a training school for delinquent boys. During the Second World War, it was used by the Allies as a prisoner of war camp for captured high-ranking German officers. It is the only known PoW Camp left in Canada, with original buildings dating back to that era. Council designated the site in 2018 under the Ontario Heritage Act. The Jury Lands Foundation was established to conserve the buildings and the heritage of the site.
Municpality of Clarington: Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Sept. 2024
Call for Volunteer Board Members
The Jury Land Foundation is searching for a board member who can serve on the board for a four year commitment. Volunteer Communications Manager Responsibilities include relaunching and managing the Jury Lands Facebook Page and Instagram account, helping to run...
Preserving Heritage and Guiding Growth, in ‘Novae Res Urbis’ by Rob Jowett
click to read story

Jury Lands Foundation – October 2019 Update
Jury Lands Foundation – October 2019 Site Update. Repurposing the buildings and lands, commonly referred to as the war-time Camp 30 and the Boys Training School, as a commercially successful and imaginative new type of park is the goal of the Jury Lands Foundation (JLF). It would be modelled on successful Distillery District and Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto. The site is historically and architecturally significant for Canada and Ontario. The Jury Lands Foundation has partnered with the Municipality to explore what this could look like.

Media Release from Municipality of Clarington
Municipality of Clarington to assume ownership of historic Camp 30, a former prisoner of war camp Clarington July 5, 2016/- Clarington Council has approved an agreement that would see the Municipality assume ownership of the historic Camp 30 lands from its current...